The Alcohol Action Network is a nationwide network of alcohol prevention practitioners and researchers engaging in alcohol policy issues in their states or local communities. Find out how you can benefit from joining.
  1. Pollard, M. S., Tucker, J. S., & Green, H. D. (2020)

CAP Tool
Access the Alcohol Compliance Assessment Process (CAP) Tool to document and collect local data during alcohol to-go sales and deliveries
News and Updates
Learn more about the latest news and events related to AAN, and alcohol policy and prevention, including state and local efforts and member updates
Research and Reports
Explore relevant resources that explain the alcohol policy landscape and its impact on alcohol consumption and the marketplace

10-Minute Clinics
AAN’s monthly 10-Minute Clinics provide an opportunity for members to hear from alcohol policy experts.
Each clinic is recorded and stored on AAN’s membership-only portal for future use.
About Our Network
The Alcohol Action Network (AAN) is a project of the American Public Health Association’s Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs (ATOD) Section. AAN was initially established to address the shifting alcohol policy landscape at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and continues to bring prevention specialists together to address policy issues as they arise.
The American Public Health Association
The American Public Health Association (APHA) is the largest professional organization for public health practitioners, researchers, and community members with the collective mission of improving the health of the public and achieving equity in health status. The Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs Section of APHA promotes public health policy approaches to prevention and treatment of alcohol, tobacco and other drug problems.
You do not need to be a member of APHA to be a member of the Alcohol Action Network, although membership is highly encouraged and comes with several benefits. To learn more and become a member, please visit the APHA website.