About the Alcohol Action Network
American Public Health Association
The Alcohol Action Network (AAN) is a project of the American Public Health Association's (APHA) Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug (ATOD) Section. APHA is the largest professional organization for public health practitioners, researchers, and community members with the collective mission of improving the health of the public and achieving equity in health status.
As the oldest organization of public health professionals in the U.S., APHA has sought to strengthen the public health profession over the course of its 150-year history.
The ATOD section of APHA includes multi-disciplinary public health professionals committed to preventing population-level harms related to alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use. The ATOD section works to develop, foster, and advocate for sound research, policy, and practice in the fields of ATOD epidemiology, prevention, and treatment.
Membership in APHA or a state affiliate is not required to join AAN, although many AAN members are also members of their state public health affiliate or the national organization. As a project of APHA, the public views of AAN reflect the adopted policies of APHA.
Set AAN goals and objectives and plan biweekly AAN meetings.
Track and respond to emerging national alcohol policy issues, help draft and issue calls to action and letters to representatives that promote evidence-based and public health-focused alcohol policies, and consult on state and local actions when needed.
Act as stewards of the latest research regarding alcohol consumption, related harms, and prevention policy strategies, help manage the administration of AAN’s Alcohol Availability Assessment Tool and linked data repository, and work closely with alcohol policy researchers and alcohol epidemiologists to track and evaluate the evidence base.
Recruit additional prevention specialists, community organizers, alcohol policy researchers, and alcohol epidemiologists to AAN and engage existing members in bimonthly meetings and other AAN activities.
The Alcohol Action Network
The Alcohol Action Network (AAN) was established in 2020 to build state and local policy capacity, leverage federal opportunities, create tools, and share resources to deepen alcohol prevention knowledge and action to prevent further erosion of alcohol policies that protect health.
AAN is a nationwide network of alcohol prevention practitioners and researchers engaging in alcohol policy issues in their states or local communities. While AAN was initially established in 2020 to address the shifting alcohol policy landscape at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has grown in its breadth and reach with more than 200 members across all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
We welcome members with a range of experiences with alcohol policy to join our network. Email us at leadership@apha-atod.org to learn how to join.
AAN Committees
AAN is led by a Planning Committee that coordinates three content-specific subcommittees: Action, Research, and Member Engagement. Members are welcome to join any of the subcommittees.
Please contact us at leadership@apha-atod.org to learn more.
The Alcohol Action Network (AAN) is a forum for alcohol policy professionals working at the local, state, or national levels who seek to promote pro-health alcohol policies.
Membership is open to alcohol prevention practitioners and researchers working on alcohol policy issues in their states or local communities.
AAN members include individuals who are from community organizations, public health agencies, government agencies, colleges and universities, policy advocacy organizations, community coalitions, alcohol regulatory agencies among others.
AAN meets virtually on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month (excluding July) from 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. eastern.
Membership is for individuals, but multiple people from one organization may join.
Access to shared policy resources including action strategies and alcohol prevention research information on a members-only website
Opportunities to participate in evidence-based research.
Access to online alcohol policy training sessions and information on other presentations and discussions.
Networking with policy professionals working in other states.
Access to shared policy resources including action strategies and alcohol prevention research information on a members-only website
Opportunities to participate in evidence-based research.
Access to online alcohol policy training sessions and information on other presentations and discussions.
Networking with policy professionals working in other states.
There is no membership application or fee, just send your name, e-mail address, title/position, location (city and state), the name of your organization and your role in alcohol policy to leadership@apha-atod.org. Once approved, you will receive agendas, links to the virtual meetings and private website access.
Members may join any of three working subcommittees: (1) research, (2) action, and (3) member engagement. Please contact us at leadership@apha-atod.org to learn more.